Sunday, November 8, 2009

Eating, Drinking and Working

This book of Ecclesiastes is probably not meant as a quick and cheerful read. There is so much here that on the surface sounds sad. Much of what I read seems to teach that life may not have the depth of meaning I thought it did. Nevertheless I will read it again and continue to pray through it. I've learned over the years that understanding the Bible takes time and disciplined study.

I had to smile when I read chapter 10, verse 2. This is an obvious verse in support of Republicans and against Democrats. Listen: "A wise man's heart inclines him to the right, but a fool's heart to the left." Some things are just so clear!

Chapter 8:11-13 rang true. "Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed speedily, the heart of the children of man is fully set to do evil. Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and prolongs his life, yet I know it will be well with those that fear God, because they fear before Him. But it will not be well with the wicked, neither will he prolong his days like a shadow, because he does not fear before God." I may not get all of that but oh it's so true. It is easy to continue in sin because punishment is not always immediate.

There was this one thread that kept popping up. Well, okay there were several. Like the "all is vanity part." That repeats like the steady dripping of a faucet throughout the book. I still don't know what to make of that. But the part that caught my interest occurs in one form or another in 2:24, 3:13, 3:22, 5:18, 8:15, 9:7. Solomon keeps up the refrain that to eat, drink and enjoy our work is a gift from God. How utterly practical. How terrific this is! I like to eat and I like to drink. I do really enjoy my work. I haven't always liked my job but, for the most part, there has always been a measure of pleasure in the daily grind. So... this is God's gift to me. And to you.

So, I'll thank Him for the pizza, the Coca Cola, the frosty glass of Heineken, the hot cup of fresh brewed coffee and the occasional treat my brother-in-law takes off the grill. I'll wonder at His creative genius to make a tongue that senses such pleasure in these things. I'll worship Him with my joy in my work as I serve my customers and I'll be grateful for each paycheck knowing He gives me the ability to get wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18).

Now, about that vanity part.....

Saturday, November 7, 2009

What Not to do Should You Become Depressed

I heard from a friend tonight. He told me his parents are separated and may be getting a divorce. I've been through divorce and I remember the twisted gut pain of the moment. It wrenched anew each morning when the fog of sleep lifted and I became conscious of the reality that something was moving interminably toward a conclusion I couldn't control. I had been so used to fudging for just a wee bit more time to get all the pieces of any problem in just the right orientation so I could pull off a splendid resolution. Or, at least procrastinate long enough for another crisis to take center stage. Finally my marriage ended; I couldn't save it. The time for saving it had past. I was probably at work or watching T.V. and it slipped by unnoticed like homely girl in the hallway at school. I remember the warning signs. I remember her telling me what bothered her and when. I think I tried to manage the problems like a homework assignment.

So now on Friday nights I sit in my favorite chair and rub my devoted dog's head. I waste time on Facebook and hear the echos of well-meaning friends saying, "everyone is meant for someone" and "you just haven't met the right woman yet". Oh yes, then there's the ever helpful, "I have someone I'd like you to meet." Right now I am certain that I lack the strength to carry all of this baggage into one more relationship.

I smile and remember that I really am just a mist. I am here for just a brief moment and then I'm gone. All these words I write will be forgotten, every song I've labored over will be remembered by no one. My loves and losses at first may be remembered by some but then they will all slip into the more distant past where all is finally forgotten. Depressing.

So I click over to and see what the prognosticators say about tomorrow's upcoming college football games. My laptop has become my T.V. I can waste time very effectively surfing the internet. I need to pick up a book and read. I need to study for an upcoming class. At the very least I could get up and file the papers that are cluttering my desk. Yet all this would take energy I cannot muster at the moment. Besides, I'd have to move my dog off my lap and she seems quite comfortable.

I feel like we were made for more. God has set eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Uh oh. Maybe it's best not to quote Ecclesiastes - especially if I am feeling a bit down. One look into those 12 chapters again and depression is a certainty. Like a driver with his neck craned to see a traffic accident he really doesn't wish to see, I grab my Bible and look into the Old Testament book...